
Grey´s Anatomy

Since the day I saw the first episode of gray´s anatomy a have been in love with the serie. I think that I saw that episode when I was like around 17, my mom recomended me Grey´s Anatomy, she liked it that much that she told me that i should see it, so I did it and now I can´t stop. It has 15 seasons (and now the 16 season is on the TV), every season has like around 24 episodes that lasts 40-45 minutes. Grey´s Anatomy is more like a drama serie about what happens with the relations and accidents in a hospital, but specially around Meredith Grey life, because she is the daughter of the Gre´s Anatomy creator. In the serie happens so much stuff, you can see a lot of medicine going on, and while everything is happenin in the hospital, all the characters are talking about their lifes and problems and who is with who and from one moment to another something happens like a really big accident and changes everything. There´s a lot of things always going on and it makes the serie very interes...

Special Celebration

I think that the most special celebration that I remember was my 15th birthday party. My dad is like those dad´s who loves the classic stuff, he always dreamed about that party, like everyone dressep up like if they were in a gala and his daughter wearing a dress, and it ended being like that. For that birthday, it was going to be in the event hall of my neighbourhood, I remember that I invited around 70 friends  and though like "okay.. I don't think that everyone is coming, maybe 40 or 45 people will come". My mom was excited about choosing a dress and prepare everything. Oh, the party had a theme, "Black and White", so everything and everyone must wear black and white clothes and because of that my sister´s gave me the idea to choose a red dress. Everything was ready and the day before the party I got ill, I was feeling so so so bad, like with 40 of fever and I remember that I was not able to move so my mom drive me to the hospital and after a lot of medicin...

Different spanish?

Hmm.. i think i'll talk about the chilean spanish and maybe compare it with other spanish in Latinoamerica. I really like that we all have like our own kind of code, i find very funny when foreing people do not understand what are we talking about or when they refer to our language as weird, actually my mom´s boyfriend said that our spanish is special, like you can not compare or confuse it with the language of others countries, he said that the chilean language is unique, and the use of words that are from the language of our native villages is something pretty. What I do not like that much is that I think that most of the expressions we use have/means stuff in double sense, i feel like we have some kind of "dirty" or too informal spanish, or maybe I just feel like that because I do not know that much how is the spanish in other countries. What I realise comparing our spanish with the spanish in Venezuela, from there is my mom's boyfriend, is that we have a word for ...

Children Rights

I'll talk about something I really love doing and I would like that people were more motivated to be part of, I'm talking about Volunteering. I'm part of the Gesta Foundation, the purpose of it is to defend children rights. How do we do that? Is not that simple and it requires a lot of work in group. We start from the base, just teaching the children which are their rights and how to apply and recognise them in their lifes, to do this we go every saturday to their neighbourhood and teach them all of that with games, songs, drawing and stuff like that. The children that live there have been vulnerated, they have alcoholic parents, have been abused, and all that you can think of. We just want to show them the good part of the life with simple things like just playing. They told us really hard stories and sometimes is frustrating not to know what to do, and is even more frustrating when you realise that you can not do anything, but sometimes just a little laugh for them means ...