Grey´s Anatomy
Since the day I saw the first episode of gray´s anatomy a have been in love with the serie. I think that I saw that episode when I was like around 17, my mom recomended me Grey´s Anatomy, she liked it that much that she told me that i should see it, so I did it and now I can´t stop. It has 15 seasons (and now the 16 season is on the TV), every season has like around 24 episodes that lasts 40-45 minutes. Grey´s Anatomy is more like a drama serie about what happens with the relations and accidents in a hospital, but specially around Meredith Grey life, because she is the daughter of the Gre´s Anatomy creator. In the serie happens so much stuff, you can see a lot of medicine going on, and while everything is happenin in the hospital, all the characters are talking about their lifes and problems and who is with who and from one moment to another something happens like a really big accident and changes everything. There´s a lot of things always going on and it makes the serie very interes...